April Brings Us National Car Care Month

Despite posting this on April 1, we can assure you we’re not fooling you when we say that April is National Car Care Month.

Taking care of your car is a yearlong task, from regular scheduled maintenance to DIY repairs, so why is there an extra emphasis on car care in April? Well, for starters, many people put off certain repairs during the cold winter months, especially if they want to preform the service on their own. Another reason why car care is especially important in the spring is because the weather provides drivers with numerous hazards. The roads are typically free of snow in April, but that can lead drivers to put the pedal to the metal and drive faster. Additionally, spring is typically a rainy season, meaning drivers are faced with slick roads and decreased visibility when it rains.

Car Care Month

Rich White, executive director of the Car Care Council, said lower gas prices mean drivers have more money to spend on repairs and spring travel.

“With gas prices this low, motorists have a few more dollars in their pockets to spend on essentials, like vehicle service and repair, making National Car Care Month the perfect time to reach out to current customers and potential new ones,” said White.

Car Repairs To Consider This Spring

As we mentioned above, spring is typically a wet season which can prove problematic for drivers. Here are a few tuneups you should consider during Car Care Month.

  • Brakes – Make sure your brake pads and rotors are in working order, as the slick conditions will increase stopping times.
  • Windshield Wipers – This DIY repair is pretty quick and easy, but neglecting your wipers can put you and other drivers in danger during a spring storm.
  • Tires – Tires can get worn down during the winter months, and the upcoming pothole season can also do damage to your tires. If your tire tread is worn, swing on in to have them replaced.

If you have any other troubles in need of service, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Related source: CarCare.org

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