Minnesota Car Repair After Hitting A Deer

Car hit deerMinnesota ranks in the Top 10 in the nation in terms of the number of annual car accidents between a driver and a deer, so it’s no surprise that we see an uptick in deer-related maintenance requests as hunting season approaches.

Minnesota drivers have the eighth highest odds of striking a deer with their vehicle, as State Farm suggests that 1-in-88 Minnesotans will hit a deer this year. In all, State Farm projects there will be 37,549 accidents involving deer on Minnesota roads in 2014.

While Minnesotans can be thankful they don’t live in West Virginia – where an estimated 1-in-39 drivers will collide with a deer this year – the fact that nearly 40,000 individuals will hit a deer can be unsettling to many drivers. It should be noted that deer-related accidents are expected to fall from last year when Minnesota had the sixth highest odds. Officials believe the extremely cold winter and greater hunting license applications will lead to less car accidents caused by deer this year.

State Farm Spokeswoman Ann Avery said deer are just another reason why drivers should practice safe driving habits.

“Wearing your seat belt and practicing defensive driving tactics could make a significant difference,” said Avery.

The Odds

Drivers in Pennsylvania are expected to hit the most deer this year, as State Farm projects there to be 123,941 deer-related accidents in the state, but they come in at second behind West Virginia because Pennsylvania has so many more drivers than West Virginia. 1-in-77 Pennsylvanians will strike a deer this year.

Wisconsin, our neighbor to the East, comes in just ahead of Minnesota on the list, with 1-in-85 odds of striking a deer in America’s Dairyland. Drivers in Minnesota and Wisconsin are more than twice as likely to hit a deer than the national average, which is projected at 1-in-169.

Not surprisingly, residents in Hawaii are at the lowest risk for hitting a deer with their car. Only one in 10,281 Hawaiian drivers will file a claim because of a deer this year.

“Whether you live in Pennsylvania or Hawaii, it’s important that drivers are practicing safe driving habits and watching out for animals on the road,” added Avery.

Quick Tips For Avoiding Deer

  • Keep your eyes on the road ahead at all times.
  • Avoid swerving. Attempt to slow down safely, but swerving can cause the car to roll, which is much more dangerous.
  • If a deer appears in your path, beep your horn in short, quick bursts. Studies have shown rapid beeps prove more effective in getting the deer to move. One long horn may cause them to tense up and freeze.
  • Brake at a safe speed. Slamming on your brakes could cause your to fishtail and crash, while hitting the deer at a lower speed while likely cause much less damage.
  • If you need body work or windshield repair, contact us for a free quote.

Related source: Star-Tribune

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