Why Is My Car’s Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air?

Car Air ConditionerThe summer solstice is right around the corner, and that means temperatures will be creeping up into the 90s. If you haven’t already, it’s nearly time to turn your car’s system from winter heating to cold air conditioning for the summer.

Air conditioning is one of life’s great luxuries that can turn a drive into a miserable car ride if it’s not working properly. If your car’s air conditioning isn’t working, or the system is blowing warm/hot air when you try to turn down the temperature, you have a problem. Today we look at what might be causing those issues.

Car Won’t Get Cold

Here are a couple reasons why you might be having problems with your car’s cooling system:

Recharge Your System – The simplest fix is that your AC system simply needs to be recharged. You can recharge your system with a handful of helpful products. These products typically cost between $20-$35, so it’s a relativity cheap option to pursue if you want to try and fix the issue on your own. If it doesn’t work, you may have a leak.

Freon Leak – Freon is the chemical component that keeps your car cool. If there’s a leak in your system, your freon will eventually run out. There are a couple of products out there that allow the driver to refuel their freon levels on their own, but if your car’s cool air fades over a few days or weeks, you likely have a leak and will need to have it serviced by a mechanic.

Blend Door Issues – As we mentioned above, now is the time to turn your system from heat to cool. If your car is still blowing out hot air, you likely have an issue with your blend door. Your blend air door draws in cold car when you change the vent system from hot to cold, so if it’s still kicking out warm air, the system may be drawing in heat from the engine and blowing it out. This is a job that is best preformed by a qualified mechanic.


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