Top 4 Car Repairs you Shouldn’t Skip

It’s a fact of life that cars break down over time. But if you take good care of your vehicle and keep up with routine repairs and maintenance, you can extend the life of your vehicle. Most people don’t even think about vehicle maintenance until something goes wrong. Following repair procedures can also help avoid a vehicle breakdown. With that in mind, here are 4 car repairs that you shouldn’t skip.

1. Oil Change

There is a lot of confusion about how often you should change the oil in your car. Every 3,000 miles? Every 5,000 miles? The truth is there is no universal answer to this question since every car is different. When to get your oil change depends on numerous factors such as:

  • Driving conditions
  • Driving frequency
  • Vehicle age

But the bottom line is that your car’s engine needs oil to run smoothly. It’s absolutely essential to get your oil changed in order to keep your vehicle running at top performance levels.

2. Tire Check & Rotation

Since the weight of any vehicle is not distributed evenly across all 4 wheels, certain tires will wear out quicker than others. This is why it’s important to have your tires rotated. Your vehicle owner’s manual should have instructions on when and how exactly to rotate your tires. Or you can bring your car in and have your tires checked and rotated by an auto professional.

3. Brakes & Brake Pads

Brakes are one of the most essential elements of your vehicle. Checking your vehicle’s brakes is an obvious safety precaution. An auto technician can examine your brakes and brake pads and catch any flaws before they break down while you’re driving.

4. Fluids

This includes brake fluid, transmission fluid, and coolant – all important for keeping your vehicle running efficiently. These fluids can run low or deteriorate over time. Make sure you keep an eye on your fluid levels and ask an auto mechanic if you are unsure about anything.

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