3 Car-Related New Year’s Resolutions You Should Keep

21589319_sHappy 2014! Now that we’ve flipped the calendar to January, it’s time to look at your resolutions for the new year. Many people want to eat better or work out more, but others are more creative when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. We like to think we’re a creative bunch, so we’ve come up with three resolutions that incorporate your car. Enjoy!

1. Plan a Roadtrip

Roadtrips can be a great bonding experience, whether you’re hitting the highways with your family or friends. This year, make a resolution to take at least one long road trip. Take the family out to Washington D.C., or spend a weekend visiting your favorite major league baseball stadium. Round up some friends to bring along, and don’t forget to prep your car before you go!

2. Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape

Although it’s not as exciting as planning a cross country road trip, make a resolution to keep your car in top shape in 2014. Get timely oil changes, and look for other proper maintenance habits you may have been ignoring. Check your fluids and keep your tires in good working order by rotating them every other oil change. Ask your friendly mechanic to preform a diagnostics test the next time you bring your car in. He can provide you with some tips to keep your car running like the day you drove it off the lot.

3. Focus on One Driving Habit, and Improve It

As much as we’d like to think that we’re the best driver on the road, odds are that’s not the case. Take a second to think about a few driving habits you could improve in 2014. Some possible habits include:

  • Making sure you use your blinker at every turn and during every lane change.
  • Talking less on the phone while driving, or adding a hands-free device for safer driving.
  • Taking a deep breath every time another driver angers you, instead or cussing up a storm or laying on the horn.
  • Driving with your headlights on at all times.
  • Coming to a full stop at every stop sign.

Practicing good driving habits is great for a multitude of reasons. Not only will you be less likely to get in an accident, but you’ll also save money by avoiding costly tickets. Add these resolutions to your list in 2014 and your car will thank you!

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