Why Does my Car Pull to the Right or Left?

Reasons your Car Pulls

Ever get the feeling that your car is dragging or “pulling” to the left or right? This could be the result of several different factors, including:

  • Vehicle alignment. Alignment keeps your tires parallel with one another and even with the ground. If the alignment is off, it can cause a car to pull.
  • Brake Hose. The brake hose distributes brake fluid to your tires. If it gets clogged, fluid is dispensed unevenly to the tires, causing a car to pull as a result.
  • Tires. Over time your tire tread will wear out. If you don’t help distribute the wear evenly by rotating your tires on a regular basis, one will inevitably wear out quicker than the others. Low tire pressure can also be a cause of pulling.

A car that pulls to the right or left is more difficult to control as it requires the driver to constantly correct the pull. This can put an increased burden on the driver and take their focus off of driving safely.

Cars designed for driving on the right side of the road are manufactured to pull slightly to the right. This is to prevent the car from drifting into oncoming traffic if the driver falls asleep at the wheel. That being said, this should only be a very slight pull to the right. If your car is pulling significantly, it’s a good idea to get it checked.

How to Correct the Pull

There are a few home remedies you can try to stop the pull, such as:

  • Switching your front tires is a good test to see if the problem lies in the tires. Only rotate your tires if you know exactly what you’re doing.
  • Check your tire pressure to make sure one tire isn’t significantly lower than another.

If none of these tests work or you’re uncomfortable rotating your tires, it’s best to bring your vehicle into an auto repair shop and have an auto technician take a look. An experienced mechanic can examine your vehicle, identify the cause of the pulling, and fix the issue.

Filed Under: Blog Tires Tagged With: Car Maintenance Tires Alignment Car Pulling
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